What are the stages of normal motor and mental development?

Innormal motor development, head control is expected by the 3rd month, sitting without support by the 8th month and walking by the end of the 15th month. In fine motor development, reaching for objects should develop by the 6th month and grasping small objects with the thumb and index finger should be in the 9th month. In the 12-18 months period, scribbling on paper, copying the vertical line around the age of 2, drawing a circle at the age of 3, drawing a three-part man and the square shown at the age of 4-4.5, drawing a six-part man and a square at the age of 5-6 are expected. Fine motor movements such as buttoning buttons and gross motor movements such as running and jumping become easier at two-three years of age when myelinization is completed. At the age of three, climbing up and down stairs on his/her own is quite skillful. At the age of four to five, it can stand on one leg for 5-10 seconds. Can step backwards at the age of six.

Normal Development Process

In normal mental development; looking at the face and light at 0-1 month, reaction to the sound of a bell; smiling, crying, eye tracking 90-180 degrees at 1-3 months; crying, laughing out loud at 3-6 months; syllable repetition, looking back at the name at 6-9 months; saying non-specific parents at 9-12 months; saying specific parents at 12-18 months; Knowing body parts at 18-24 months; forming two-word sentences at 24 months; naming the picture shown at 2-3 years (cat, dog, horse, man, bird, etc.); speaking clearly at 3-4 years, knowing a function, knowing antonyms (hot-cold, big-small, etc.); defining words at 4-6 years (e.g., what is a table? ), an increase is expected in knowing the defined word and its antonyms.

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